Source code for pydrobert.param._file_serialization

# Copyright 2022 Sean Robertson
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import json
import importlib

from typing import Any, TextIO, Optional, Union

from collections import OrderedDict
from io import StringIO

from . import config

[docs] def yaml_is_available() -> bool: """Returns whether one of the YAML backends is available Checks only those in :obj:`pydrobert.param.config.YAML_MODULE_PRIORITIES` """ for name in config.YAML_MODULE_PRIORITIES: try: spec = importlib.util.find_spec(name) except: spec = None if spec is not None: return True return False
[docs] def serialize_from_obj_to_json( file_: Union[str, TextIO], obj: dict, indent: Optional[int] = 2 ) -> None: """Serialize an object into a json file `JSON syntax <>`__. Given a dictionary of parameter values, fills an JSON file with the contents of this dictionary. Parameters ---------- file_ The JSON file to serialize to. Can be a pointer or a path. dict_ The sort of dictionary returned by :func:`serialized_to_dict`. indent The indentation level of nested keys. If :obj:`None`, the output will be compact. See Also -------- serialize_to_json Composes :func:`serialize_to_dict` with this function. """ if isinstance(file_, str): with open(file_, "w") as file_: json.dump(obj, file_, indent=indent) else: json.dump(obj, file_, indent=indent)
[docs] def serialize_from_obj_to_yaml(file_: Union[str, TextIO], obj: Any, help: Any = None): """Serialize an object into a YAML file `YAML syntax <>`__. Parameters ---------- file_ The YAML file to serialize to. Can be a pointer or a path. obj The thing to serialize. help An optional thing containing strings representing help information. Will try to save as comments. If `obj` and `help` share a structure (e.g. both :obj:`list` or :obj:`dict`), the backend will try to organize `help` in similar fashion. Notes ----- This function tries to use the YAML (de)serialization module to load the YAML file in the order listed in :obj:`pydrobert.param.config.YAML_MODULE_PRIORITIES`, falling back on the next if there's an :class:`ImportError` """ if help is None: help = dict() if isinstance(file_, str): with open(file_, "w") as file_: return serialize_from_obj_to_yaml(file_, obj, help) for name in config.YAML_MODULE_PRIORITIES: if name == "ruamel.yaml": try: import ruamel.yaml # type: ignore _serialize_from_obj_to_ruamel_yaml(ruamel.yaml, file_, obj, help) return except ImportError: pass elif name == "ruamel_yaml": try: import ruamel_yaml # type: ignore _serialize_from_obj_to_ruamel_yaml(ruamel_yaml, file_, obj, help) return except ImportError: pass elif name == "yaml": try: import yaml # type: ignore _serialize_from_obj_to_pyyaml(yaml, file_, obj, help) return except ImportError: pass else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid value in config.YAML_MODULE_PRIORITIES: {name}") raise ImportError( f"Could not import any of {config.YAML_MODULE_PRIORITIES} for YAML " "serialization" )
def _deorder(d): if isinstance(d, dict): return dict((str(k), _deorder(v)) for (k, v) in d.items()) elif isinstance(d, list): return [_deorder(v) for v in d] elif isinstance(d, set): return {_deorder(v) for v in d} else: return d
[docs] def deserialize_from_yaml_to_obj( file_: Union[str, TextIO], ordered: bool = False ) -> Any: """Deserialize a YAML file into an object `YAML syntax <>`__. Parameters ---------- file_ A path or pointer to the YAML file. ordered Whether to respect ordering in the deserialized dictionaries. Notes ----- This function tries to use the YAML (de)serialization module to load the YAML file in the order listed in :obj:`pydrobert.param.config.YAML_MODULE_PRIORITIES`, falling back on the next if there's an :class:`ImportError`. """ if isinstance(file_, str): with open(file_) as file_: return deserialize_from_yaml_to_obj(file_) yaml_loader = None for name in config.YAML_MODULE_PRIORITIES: if name in {"ruamel.yaml", "ruamel_yaml"}: try: if name == "ruamel.yaml": import ruamel.yaml as ruamel_yaml # type: ignore else: import ruamel_yaml # type: ignore yaml = ruamel_yaml.YAML() yaml_loader = yaml.load break except ImportError: pass elif name == "yaml": try: import yaml # type: ignore # class OrderedLoader(yaml.FullLoader): pass if ordered: def construct_mapping(loader, node): loader.flatten_mapping(node) return OrderedDict(loader.construct_pairs(node)) OrderedLoader.add_constructor( yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG, construct_mapping, ) def yaml_loader(x): return yaml.load(x, Loader=OrderedLoader) break except ImportError: pass else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid value in config.YAML_MODULE_PRIORITIES: '{name}'" ) if yaml_loader is None: raise ImportError( f"Could not import any of {config.YAML_MODULE_PRIORITIES} for YAML " "deserialization" ) obj = yaml_loader(file_) if not ordered: obj = _deorder(obj) return obj
[docs] def deserialize_from_json_to_obj(file_: Union[TextIO, str]) -> Any: """Deserialize a JSON file into an object `JSON syntax <>`__. Parameters ---------- file_ A path or pointer to the JSON file. """ if isinstance(file_, str): with open(file_) as file_: return json.load(file_) else: return json.load(file_)
def _serialize_from_obj_to_ruamel_yaml_list( ruamel_yaml, list_: list, help_list: Union[list, str] ): clist = ruamel_yaml.comments.CommentedSeq() if isinstance(help_list, str): help_list = [help_list] if len(help_list) != len(list_): # put the comment at the top and hope for the best help_list = ". ".join(help_list) if len(help_list): clist.yaml_set_start_comment(help_list) clist.extend(list_) else: for dval, hval in zip(list_, help_list): if isinstance(hval, str) and hval: i = len(clist) clist.append(dval) clist.yaml_add_eol_comment(hval, i) elif isinstance(dval, dict) and isinstance(hval, dict): clist.append( _serialize_from_obj_to_ruamel_yaml_dict(ruamel_yaml, dval, hval) ) elif isinstance(dval, list) and isinstance(hval, list): clist.append( _serialize_from_obj_to_ruamel_yaml_list(ruamel_yaml, dval, hval) ) else: clist.append(dval) return clist def _serialize_from_obj_to_ruamel_yaml_dict( ruamel_yaml, dict_: dict, help_dict: Union[str, dict] ): cdict = ruamel_yaml.comments.CommentedMap() if isinstance(help_dict, str): if help_dict: cdict.yaml_set_start_comment(help_dict) help_dict = dict() for key, dval in dict_.items(): hval = help_dict.get(key, None) if isinstance(hval, str) and hval: cdict.insert(len(cdict), key, dval, comment=hval) elif isinstance(dval, dict) and isinstance(hval, dict): cdict.insert( len(cdict), key, _serialize_from_obj_to_ruamel_yaml_dict(ruamel_yaml, dval, hval), ) elif isinstance(dval, list) and isinstance(hval, list): cdict.insert( len(cdict), key, _serialize_from_obj_to_ruamel_yaml_list(ruamel_yaml, dval, hval), ) else: cdict.insert(len(cdict), key, dval) return cdict def _serialize_from_obj_to_ruamel_yaml(ruamel_yaml, fp, obj, help): # yaml has an !!omap tag for ordered dictionaries. We don't *need* an # ordering when deserializing, but we want an order when serializing. This # is a hack to ensure an OrderedDict is serialized like any other dict yaml = ruamel_yaml.YAML() class MyRepresenter(yaml.Representer): pass yaml.Representer = MyRepresenter # don't pollute the base class yaml.representer.add_representer(OrderedDict, MyRepresenter.represent_dict) if isinstance(obj, dict) and isinstance(help, (dict, str)): obj = _serialize_from_obj_to_ruamel_yaml_dict(ruamel_yaml, obj, help) elif isinstance(obj, list) and isinstance(help, (list, str)): obj = _serialize_from_obj_to_ruamel_yaml_list(ruamel_yaml, obj, help) yaml.dump(obj, stream=fp) def _serialize_from_obj_to_pyyaml(yaml, fp, obj, help): if help: help_string_io = StringIO() yaml.dump(help, stream=help_string_io, default_flow_style=False) help_string = help_string_io.getvalue().strip().replace("\n", "\n# ") help_string = "# == Help ==\n# " + help_string + "\n\n" fp.write(help_string) # # we also always serialize "None" in order to be consistent with # ruamel_yaml using the method from # class OrderedDumper(yaml.SafeDumper): pass def dict_representer(dumper, data): return dumper.represent_mapping( yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG, list(data.items()) ) def none_representer(dumper, data): return dumper.represent_scalar(",2002:null", "") OrderedDumper.add_representer(OrderedDict, dict_representer) OrderedDumper.add_representer(type(None), none_representer) yaml.dump(obj, Dumper=OrderedDumper, stream=fp, default_flow_style=False)