Command-Line Interface


usage: combine_ini_files [-h] sources [sources ...] dest

Combine INI files

This command provides a content-agnostic way of combining INI files

All but the last positional argument consist of input files. Earlier values are
clobbered by later values.

Comments (anything after a '#' or ';') are ignored

positional arguments:
  sources     Paths to read from
  dest        Path to write to

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


usage: combine_json_files [-h] [--quiet] [--compact] [--nested]
                          sources [sources ...] dest

Combine JSON files

This command provides a content-agnostic way of combining JSON files

If all source files are lists, we merely append the lists together.

If all documents' root data types are dictionaries, the default behaviour, given a
collision of keys, is to clobber the old value with the new one. If the "--nested" flag
is set, and both values are dictionaries, the values of the old dictionary will be
updated with the values of the new one, but old keys not present in the new dictionary
will persist. For example, without the "--nested" flag

    {"a": {"b": {"c": null}, "d": true}} +
    {"a": {"b": {"e": 1}}, "f": "g"} =
    {"a": {"b": {"e": 1}}, "f": "g"}

but with the nested flag

    {"a": {"b": {"c": null}, "d": true}} +
    {"a": {"b": {"e": 1}}, "f": "g"} =
    {"a": {"b": {"c": null, "e": 1}, "d": true}, "f": "g"}

Mixing root data types of sources or specifying more than one source for a root type
that is not a dict or list will result in an error.

positional arguments:
  sources     Paths to read from
  dest        Path to write to

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --compact   By default, JSON dicts will have newlines and 2-space
              indentation. If set, will encode structures in the most compact
              way possible
  --nested    Resolve dict collisions by descending into children. See command
              documentation for more info


usage: combine_yaml_files [-h] [--quiet] [--nested] sources [sources ...] dest

Combine YAML files

This command provides a content-agnostic way of combining YAML files

All but the last positional argument consist of input files. Earlier values are
clobbered by later values.

If all source files are lists, we merely append the lists together.

If all documents' root data types are dictionaries, the default behaviour, given a
collision of keys, is to clobber the old value with the new one. If the "--nested" flag
is set, and both values are dictionaries, the values of the old dictionary will be
updated with the values of the new one, but old keys not present in the new dictionary
will persist. See the "combine-json-files" command for an example

Whether comments are ignored depends on the parsing backend.

positional arguments:
  sources     Paths to read from
  dest        Path to write to

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --nested    Resolve dict collisions by descending into children. See command
              documentation for more info